DESIGN AND LEAD AN OPERATIONAL ASSESSMENT of the capital planning and construction design and project management functions in an organization with ~$160 million of new construction and remodeling projects spanning facilities throughout a metropolitan city. PROJECT FOCUS Map and analyze capital planning and construction design/management work processes, metrics and reporting, organization structure, staffing and policies […]
AN ORGANIZATION MAINTAINING 2,000+ LANE-MILES OF ROAD, ROADWAYS AND BRIDGES, wishes to increase collaboration between unionized staff and supervision, and develop a culture of mutual respect and continuous performance improvement. Work is highly visible, requires flexible scheduling, resource coordination, quick response to safety hazards, collaboration with multiple agencies and 40+ municipalities. Skills range from general labor […]
A RECENT OPERATIONAL AUDIT UNCOVERED SERVERAL CHALLENGES from an initial best practices implementation. Symptoms included: growing backlog of SRQs, managers stretched and unable to meet demands with current work force, reactive assignment rearrangement and fire-fighting, tension and frustration amongst the management team, lack of team work. A plan was developed to get the missing pieces […]
CABLE COMPANY LOCATED IN TWO CITIES AND SERVING A COMBINED CUSTOMER BASE OF OVER 2 MILLION is merging two large accounting operations as first step toward bringing in accounting functions for all its US markets. The company will maintain multiple systems, but wishes to accelerate the consolidation and standardization of its accounting functions. Leadership wishes […]
National Newspaper wishes to project future needs, assess the performance and potential of the current consumer sales and support operations and determine whether/how to outsource all customer contact functions. They currently serve customers via a combination of in-house and outsourced contact centers providing customer support via web, chat, email and telephone. Alliant conducted the assessment, […]
METRO/OUTSTATE NONPROFIT WITH ~220 EMPLOYEES providing career, social enrichment, transportation and fiscal management (FME) services to ~3,000 developmentally disabled clients and their families. Organization wishes to establish a contact center and evaluate and realize other structural and operational opportunities to improve client service delivery and organizational flexibility in anticipation of major legislative reforms. Project spanned […]
APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION with staff and management in multiple locations supporting video, voice, data and security services, and news channels with online and interactive services to 2.5 million+ residential and commercial customers was struggling to control its workload and meet critical project deliverables in the absence of a vice president and in the face of […]
IMPROVE SERVICE to health plan participants, ensure compliance with health plan contract SLA’s, and increase the efficiency of IPA and member-physician operations Project Focus Customer Service, Medical Affairs, and Claims Departments in Health Plan Association and Member Clinics Assess, redesign, and implement new workflows, processes, policies, procedures and operational structures Improve service and performance Client […]
IDENTIFY AND REALIZE POTENTIAL contributions from improving the productivity and effectiveness of a teaching, research and practicing Veterinary Medical Center to optimize capacity, and increase competitiveness and profitability Project Focus Document and evaluate current operations, and develop specific recommendations and implementation plans to increase revenue, service, quality, productivity and morale while sustaining ongoing operations and […]
ASSESS THE FEASIBILITY and performance impacts of consolidating customer service call center operations, design and support an implementation plan for the consolidation of three centers into one location as a consolidation pilot Project Focus Assess workflows, functions, activities, policies, procedures, and practices of the three call centers intaking new patients and orders to identify opportunities and barriers to consolidation. Conduct […]
REDESIGN RETAIL ADVERTISING SALES incentive programs, goal setting, communications, territory alignment, inbound sales/contact functions, improve service, quality and productivity Project Focus Redesign Retail Advertising sales incentive programs, goal setting, communications, and territory alignment Redesign Classified Advertising incentives, goal setting, communications, and inbound sales/contact operations Consolidate Classified and Circulation Call Centers to improve service, quality and […]
PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT ENGAGEMENT WITH A VIDEO ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT responsible for overall performance of the video platform delivering cutting edge services to over 2 million customers in multiple markets Alliant is tasked to work with executive leadership to improve performance in a department where recent consolidation of separate and widely dissimilar divisional teams is […]
MARKET PRESSURES DRIVE URGENT AND EVER-CHANGING PRIORITIES – New products, multiple delivery channels, accelerated launch deadlines, increasing demand, internal systems development projects all contribute to dynamically changing capacity, project coordination and delivery challenges Recently reorganized department with multiple approaches and levels of compliance to project prioritization and management (Solution Development Life Cycle) needs departmental leadership […]
ENGAGED TO ASSIST NEWLY NAMED CORPORATE LEADERS of these teams with reorganizing, consolidating and standardizing procurement, warehouse and facilities operations to form corporate functions previously managed at division and regional levels. We guided them to establish corporate-wide performance standards, assess current operations across the company and select or develop best practices, systems, equipment, organization models […]
IDENTIFY PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES related to process and organizational re-alignment across 13 dispatch operations spanning four states. Particular interest in determining if dynamic routing, dispatch and/or consolidation of dispatch operations would make sense Project Focus Conduct an operational assessment of representative locations to determine: What would be gained in terms of improved customer and employee […]
INCREASE SALES PERFORMANCE, QUALITY AND SERVICE resulting in increased advertising revenue, improved ad quality, and decreased adjustment and makegood costs Training Focus To develop training programs that focus on sales and sales management skills designed to improve customer service, quality, revenue performance, and sales productivity. Financial and Operating Benefits 4.4% improvement in Advertising revenue 10 […]
ESTABLISH A CUSTOMER-FOCUSED ENVIRONMENT and dramatically improve service performance in a company where the merger of former competitors had resulted in internal conflict and dysfunction Project Focus Provide a full organizational assessment, redesign and implementation of operational models that provide a vehicle for achieving “world class” customer service within an 18-month window. This work encompassed […]
IMPLEMENT A “HIGH PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT MODEL” designed to improve revenue management and operational performance in order entry, distribution, service billing, and collections through a group of internal resources who can lead and perpetuate model implementation in 350+ offices across the U.S. Training Focus To transfer effective management principles and techniques, knowledge of model elements and […]
CREATE A CONSOLIDATED, COHESIVE IS/IT DEPARTMENT comprised of existing staff while taking the IT organization to the next level of performance Project Focus To identify and gain a clear understanding of the IS/IT, Engineering and Technical Operations technology environments as they relate to workflow, process, service, performance and organization structure; and develop an operational model […]
ANALYZE THE ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AND MIX OF SERVICES offered through the County Taxpayer Service Centers and offer recommendations for Centers to operate more effectively and/or provide services that are more responsive to market demands Project Focus Two work day engagement to find ways to maintain and improve service while reducing cost structure Reviewed benchmark information […]
QUICKLY REDUCE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ADJUSTMENTS, write-offs and collection time for a company with $1.2 Billion annual revenue and over 350 offices throughout the U.S. Project Focus Review revenue management operations at representative location(s) to identify collection performance barriers and opportunities, design a “high performance revenue management model” and plan for implementation throughout the company, and […]
IMPROVE SERVICE QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY LEVELS related to Retail Advertising Sales and Support, Pre-Press, Ad Production and Spec Ad design to reduce labor costs and adjustments to revenue while increasing Customer Satisfaction. To increase Classified Advertising revenue, improve customer service, and reduce abandoned calls, makegoods, adjustments and other costs. To increase Circulation sales effectiveness and […]
INCREASE ADVERTISING REVENUE, improve customer service, and reduce abandoned calls, makegoods, adjustments and other costs Project Focus Assess, redesign and implement new workflows, practices, procedures and organization structure to improve quality, service and productivity, and reduce costs in the classified sales, administration and accounting departments. Financial and Operating Benefits 21% increase in revenue per hour […]
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT NEW OPERATIONAL MODELS that would position the organization to meet the vision of consistently delivering exceptional customer service Project Focus To improve customer service and quality levels while capturing opportunities for greater productivity and efficiency in field services, customer care, preventative maintenance and tap audit operations. Financial and Operating Benefits Opportunities were […]
IMPROVE QUALITY, SERVICE AND EFFICIENCY by changing how and when ads are ordered and processed resulting in a high performance management model and culture that drive continuous improvement Project Focus To design and implement a new operational model which includes ad operations, pre-press, sales, marketing, interactive media and supplements departments. A team was formed to […]
ENHANCE THE PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTACT CENTER of a major metro provider of cable TV, high-speed data and telephony services during a time of rapid growth, increased competition, and the introduction of complex new products and business information systems Project Focus Lead an internal team in the redesign and implementation of a new Customer Contact […]
DEVELOP THE MASTER PROJECT PLAN for the design and implementation of an interoperable 800 MHz trunked subsystem The system is for a core metropolitan county encompassing police, fire, EMS services and 911 Dispatch for 13 municipalities, all sheriff’s departments and Homeland Security/Emergency Management, to be part of a shared regional public safety and public service […]
PROVIDE STRUCTURE AND GUIDANCE to an Optimization Leadership Team assigned to develop an optimal operational redesign of the circulation and manufacturing operations from “deadline to doorstop” while identifying near-term opportunities for improvement in service, quality and efficiency and a plan for their implementation that would deliver cash flow savings and service improvements Project Focus To […]
ENHANCE THE SUCCESS OF AN INTERNAL TEAM chartered to identify ways to increase productivity and time to sell, and to reduce errors in the advertising department Project Focus Review process mapping and analysis work performed by internal teams and provide guidance regarding areas and methods for more penetrating documentation, analysis and recommendation development. Financial Benefits […]
REDESIGN THE OPERATING MODEL and quickly improve service, quality and productivity performance The organization was missing order commitments, losing inventory and running well below industry productivity benchmarks and the plant management team was in process of being replaced. Project Focus Based on our assessment, a new workflow, new schedules, staffing models, organization model, work aids […]
IMPLEMENT A CUSTOMER-FOCUSED ORGANIZATION to increase revenue, service and operational performance Project Focus Beginning with departmental mission and standards, assess, redesign and implement new workflows, processes, practices, and organization structure to increase revenue through improved quality, service and productivity, and reduce costs in the classified sales, and accounting departments; optimize utilization of electronic systems and […]
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT A VIABLE QUICK HIT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM that would generate an immediate performance lift in the collectable accounts receivable area and provide the foundation for continuous improvement. An additional criterion was to deliver this program in less than five calendar weeks Project Focus Evaluated and improved processes, workflows, procedures and tools that ensured […]
The client has a subsidiary HME company that has a backlog of over 1300 patient accounts representing approximately $4 million of unresolved, aged accounts receivable and have no viable way to rationalize estimates of recoverability, write offs or reserve requirements. They wish to assess the situation and collect maximum possible revenue while implementing “high impact” […]
DEVELOP “BEST PRACTICE” MODELS for the post-sale, production, maintenance, service and billing elements related to these services as well as an effective, efficient approach for implementation and training at various customer sites that will ensure quality and service performance that drives customer retention and growth for a new media organization has developed software to facilitate […]
GENERATE IMMEDIATE PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS AND COST REDUCTIONS in the editorial and pagination areas of a multi-location weekly newspaper Project Focus Design and lead an operational assessment of pagination, ad order entry and editorial areas to identify opportunities, and develop recommendations with related cost benefit analysis and implementation plan. Financial Benefits In excess of 20% of […]
INCREASE CIRCULATION AND RETENTION, customer service, and operational performance and establish continuous improvement practices in the Circulation Customer Service Call Center and eight Distribution Centers Project Focus Designed and implemented a customer focused Circulation Distribution and Customer Service operational model to improve customer service quality and overall performance Reorganized and streamlined work flows to improve […]
INCREASE HOME DELIVERY CIRCULATION, CUSTOMER SERVICE, customer retention and improve operational performance so that service, quality and retention are maintained long term, while reducing costs Project Focus Conducted an operational assessment, designed and implemented the recommendations for a “customer focused” Circulation Distribution and Sales Organization to increase retention, service, quality and operational performance while reducing […]
IMPROVE AND STANDARDIZE CIRCULATION ACCOUNTING PRACTICES and systems and create efficiencies and profits in the process Project Focus Reorganized and streamlined workflows in circulation accounting, which improved service, cash management and quality. Financial Benefits 25% reduction in calculation errors in Single Copy Centers 50% reduction in turnaround time for cash application (2 days to 1 […]
DESIGN AN OPERATIONAL MODEL FOR AN INTERNAL PC SUPPORT HELP DESK and an action plan for its implementation in multiple locations throughout the U.S. Simply stated, create a “World-Class Help Desk Operation” Project Focus Evaluated existing levels of customer service, process work flows, controls, communications and project management systems that influence the relationship between the […]
A HOME DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY SUBSIDIARY has a large backlog of claims and weak revenue management/collections processes and policies in place. They wish to move forward on due diligence proceedings with a prospective buyer of the subsidiary company. This situation has stalled the sales process and placed them at risk for assessment of severe […]
DESIGN AND FACILITATE THE DEVELOPMENT OF TALKGROUP plans and radio features selection for eight state agencies that will bring the project back on schedule Alliant Joined When Talkgroup planning process is 7 – 8 months behind Delays caused increased cost to vendor and the state Further delays will compromise deployment and add significant cost Planning […]
IDENTIFY WAYS TO IMPROVE QUALITY AND SERVICE while significantly reducing labor costs in a multi-location weekly newspaper Project Focus Assessment of workflows, staffing, scheduling, skills and systems related to pagination, ad order entry and editorial. Financial Benefits Identified opportunities to achieve: 8% annualized labor cost reductions in editorial and production 50% reduction in page handling […]
ANALYZE AGED ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (>180 DAYS), determine causes for nonpayment, procure required documentation and collect maximum possible revenue while implementing “high impact” operational changes to stop the continuing build-up of aging accounts receivable in a subsidiary HME company Project Focus Provided expertise and management for a special collections team to work aged accounts, acquire necessary […]
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT AN AD FLOW MODEL that improves and perpetuates overall customer service, quality and revenue performance Project Focus Designed and implemented a streamlined Ad Flow Model impacting Advertising Sales, Production, Marketing Development, Finance, and a newly designed department, Ad Central. The new ad flow structure provided an enhanced quality assurance process designed to […]
TRANSFORM OPERATIONS in Advertising, Marketing, Finance and Production departments for improved customer service, quality, and productivity, and overall revenue performance Project Focus Design a viable operating model that meets the goals established by executive management, document and assess the current operations, and develop an implementation plan to move from the current state to the new […]
IMPROVE SERVICE QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY LEVELS related to Sales and Advertiser Support, Pre-Press, Ad Production and Spec Ad design to reduce labor costs and adjustments to revenue while increasing Customer Satisfaction Project Focus Conducted an operational assessment, designed and implemented the recommendations for a “customer focused” Sales and Production Organization. Reorganized and streamlined workflows to […]
IMPLEMENT ORGANIZATIONAL AND OPERATIONAL CHANGES in advertising sales and the ad flow process focusing on customer service, quality, and productivity performance improvements designed to generate increased advertising revenue, improve ad quality, and reduce adjustment and makegood costs Project Focus Designed and implemented programs to improve sales, customer service and overall performance. Reorganized and streamlined work […]
ESTABLISH A FIELD SUPPORT SERVICES ORGANIZATION; design and implement a standardized operating model to improve efficiency and effectiveness of field services dispatch and the monitoring and coordination of responses to HFC plant failures across a 2M + subscriber region encompassing two major metro markets and surrounding areas Project Focus Lead and supported internal teams to […]
IDENTIFY AND REALIZE OPPORTUNITIES TO IMPROVE decision making and reduce bureaucracy throughout the organization while maintaining or improving quality, safety and security. Results: better and more efficient decision making, more productive deployment of resources Project Focus Work with executive management to develop and implement a logical and efficient process for soliciting, evaluating and implementing requests […]
COMMUNICATION REGARDING NETWORK OUTAGES (customer impact, fix efforts, repair status, etc.) was reactive, incomplete and/or unclear and often misdirected. This created confusion, frustration for leadership and Care staff, and in some cases interfered with repair efforts Project Focus Design and lead a review of the NOC and key fix agent functions to identify factors contributing […]
REFRAMING CONTRACTOR RELATIONSHIPS TO improve quality and reduce installation and service costs, from contract redesign through order fulfillment, invoicing and quality control across 10+ U.S. divisions Project Focus Review and adjust contract elements and contractor management practices across the company to implement a common operating model that includes standards of performance, new quality assurance methods […]
A METROPOLITAN COUNTY ENCOMPASSING police, fire, EMS services and 911 Dispatch for 13 municipalities, all sheriff’s departments and Homeland Security/Emergency Management is joining the Regional 800 MHz Communication System, developing its own subsystem in concert with the overall regional communications plan Project Focus Recognizing the transition to an interoperable, digital trunked radio system from traditional […]
INCREASE AD THROUGHPUT, QUALITY AND SERVICE while reducing ad errors and Advertiser adjustments to revenue Project Focus Designed and implemented a reorganized Advertising Sales and Production Organization Improve customer service, quality, operating effectiveness and increase advertising revenue Through decreased revenue adjustments Financial Benefits 41% reduction in number of credit adjustments 14% reduction in dollars per […]
COMMUNICATION REGARDING NETWORK OUTAGES (customer impact, fix efforts, repair status, etc.) was reactive, incomplete and/or unclear and often misdirected. This created confusion, frustration for leadership and Care staff, and in some cases interfered with repair efforts Project Focus Design and lead a review of the NOC Fix agent functions to identify factors contributing to and […]
PROVIDED AN INFORMED, OUTSIDE PERSPECTIVE to a fast growing cable communications company as to how the IT/IS functions should be restructured to provide the services, products and resources necessary to serve each of the division operations and functional areas with their systems and technology needs Project Focus Review IT/IS functions within 4 regions’ and 11 […]
IMPROVE OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE to better serve its audience and advertisers, and to protect and grow its market share Project Focus Newspaper telemarketing sales, single copy, and delivery operations Redesigned and implemented standardized work-flows, processes, policies, procedures and organization structure Increase service, retention, quality and performance while reducing costs Client Gains: Financial and Operating Benefits 19% […]
MEET BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION EXPECTATIONS without increasing fees Project Focus HR Support Provider’s Payroll, Benefits, Communications, Benefits Product Management, and Business Management areas Measure and improve customer service levels following implementation of a new HRIS system the year before Conduct operational assessment of processes and practices related to the HR Shared Services Center Design a detailed […]
IMPROVE EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS of the in-bound customer contact operations across all categories of Classified Advertising Project Focus Classified Advertising Sales at a Large Daily Newspaper Develop and implement comprehensive operational recommendations for inbound contact activity across all categories of classified advertising Improve service, quality, and productivity through operational changes Client Gains: Financial and Operating […]
IMPROVE CUSTOMER SERVICE AND QUALITY in a rapidly growing system offering a broad array of traditional and broadband services through numerous sites across a large, expanding metropolitan area Project Focus Cable TV Provider’s Technical Operations, Field Service Operations, Dispatch, and Network Operations Center Assess operations and implement improvement measures Identify, measure and improve customer service […]
INCREASE COLLABORATION, EFFICIENCY AND REVENUE in an organization experiencing low sales productivity and cooperation between inside/outside sales representatives, accounting staff, and the prepress team Project Focus Daily Metro Newspaper’s Advertising, Prepress, and Finance Departments Assess, redesign and implement new standards, workflows, processes, organization structure, incentives, rates, policies and procedures Identify, measure and realize opportunities to […]
REDUCE COSTS in editorial operations, pagination procedures, and technology across multiple locations, while maintaining and improving quality and service to community readers and advertisers Project Focus Suburban Newspaper Editorial and Pagination Operations Assess and redesign operations model to improve organization structure, processes, workflows, procedures and tools Train and coach a client task team to implement […]
INCREASE SERVICE AND SALES EFFECTIVENESS, reduce customer churn, and decrease operating costs across nine circulation-focused operating divisions Project Focus Metro Daily Newspaper’s Audience Development Operations, including Direct Sales, Telemarketing Sales, Customer Service, and Delivery Operations Assess, redesign, and implement new workflows, processes, policies, procedures, and organizational structure Client Gains: Financial and Operating Benefits 27% increase […]
IMPROVE MANAGEMENT REPORTING in both quality and effectiveness of information capture and presentation Project Focus Daily Newspaper’s Information Systems team and internal clients in Advertising, Finance, Circulation and Production Design and implement a formal process in the IS department for responding to requests from report users Improve report quality, timeliness, and usability Improve customer service […]
CONSOLIDATE OPERATIONS across seven separate system locations serving over 500,000 customers without a hitch – in fact, with improvement – in quality, customer service and cost efficiencies Project Focus Cable TV Customer Service, Dispatch, Field Services, Plant, Warehouse, and Sales Operations Assess seven locations and their operating processes, with the goal of smooth and effective […]
INCREASE CUSTOMER FOCUS throughout the organization and improve service responsiveness both inside and outside the company – and thereby increase revenue, external customer retention, internal customer satisfaction, operational performance, and resource utilization Project Focus Large Daily Newspaper’s Retail Ad Sales and Production, Classified Advertising, Circulation, Finance, Accounting, Purchasing and Human Resources Departments Assess, redesign and […]
IDENTIFY AND MIGRATE ~4,000 users from 60 + diverse public safety and public service groups across a nine-county metropolitan area into a shared, interoperable 800-MHz digital, trunked radio system Project Focus Public Service/Safety Radio Network including municipal, county, state and federal Law Enforcement Agencies, Fire Departments, EMS Units, and various agencies of Government Departments from more than 40 municipalities […]
IMPROVE EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING quality, service and productivity while reducing labor costs across multiple locations Project Focus Weekly Newspaper’s Advertising and Editorial Prepress Ad Order Entry and Pagination Assess and redesign operations and workflows related to pagination, ad order entry, and editing Prepare and coach a client team to complete the detailed operational redesign, including […]
IMPROVE NEW PRODUCT INTRODUCTION PROCESS; Improve and accelerate the introduction process for all new and reformulated products from the idea stage to full commercialization while maintaining or improving quality, service and safety Project Focus Manufacturer’s New Product Development Processes affecting Marketing, Sales, Research, Environmental Health & Safety, Procurement, Manufacturing, Human Resources, Information Services, and Finance […]
REDUCE ADJUSTMENTS, WRITE-OFFS AND COLLECTION TIME for accounts receivables across 350 U.S. offices for this medical equipment company with $1.2 billion in annual revenue Project Focus Medical Equipment Supplier’s Patient Intake, Accounts Receivables and Collections departments Assess revenue management operations, from intake through billing and collections, at representative locations Identify collection performance barriers and opportunities […]
DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT GOVERNANCE POLICY for a new, shared public radio system for public service and public safety radio users, federal agencies, and private organizations across a nine-county metro area Project Focus Bring together diverse public service and public safety radio users and stakeholders from a nine-county metropolitan area for input and education about the new […]
IMPROVE RATE CARD COMPLIANCE in the advertising department; ensure consistent and accurate rating and billing practices; and increase both revenues and customer satisfaction Project Focus Daily Metro Newspaper Ad Sales, Sales Management, Finance / Billing, and Programming Enhance advertising revenue per line sold through better control of rates and discounts Develop new rate-request process to […]
TRANSFORM THE INFORMATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT – after a decade of rapid product, employee and revenue growth – from an autonomous, reactive service group to a highly integrated, efficient, proactive, world-class Information Services team Project Focus Manufacturing Firm Information Services Group Evaluate and compare existing levels of internal customer service against global benchmarks and customer expectations […]
IMPROVE CUSTOMER SERVICE and increase advertising revenue and productivity Project Focus Newspaper Advertising Sales, Advertising Production, Operations, and Administration Assess, redesign and implement new workflows, processes, policies, procedures, and organization structure Improve quality, service, productivity, and resource management Client Gains: Financial and Operating Benefits 30% increase in sales time for generating revenue 70% decrease in […]
GUIDE A MAJOR CABLE REBUILD PROJECT to on-time and on-budget completion, and meet turn-around standards for telephony sales and implementation Project Focus Cable TV, Commercial Telcom Sales, Plant Rebuild Develop and implement master plans and schedules for cable plant rebuild and upgrade, and that support launch of commercial telcom services Develop and implement “order to […]
BRING THE COMPANY INTO COMPLIANCE with technical and service standards and meet franchise renewal requirements Project Focus Cable TV Customer Service including Call Center, Correspondence, Billing and Collections. Assess, redesign and implement new workflows, processes, policies, procedures and organization structure. Develop and implement a construction management plan for physical plant upgrades, on schedule and within […]
IMPLEMENT ORGANIZATIONAL AND OPERATIONAL CHANGES in the ad flow process focusing on customer service, quality, and performance improvements designed to generate increased advertising revenue, improve ad quality, and to decrease adjustment and makegood costs Training Focus To prepare all levels of management to accept, actively participate, and perpetuate changes being implemented in service, quality and […]
“… Alliant was the only organization I worked with that took the time to understand our organization, knew how to bring value without spending a fortune, and delivered more than pricey white paper – they stayed to implement their concepts. However, the most important feature of Alliant’s work is in the measured performances they deliver. Visualize being on the client’s premises, implementing the idea you just sold them as “the solution” and having the faith that the measurements achieved will deliver the results you just promised.”