Alliant Consulting Aligning people, processes and metrics to meet your business goals.

DEVELOP THE MASTER PROJECT PLAN for the design and implementation of an interoperable 800 MHz trunked subsystem

The system is for a core metropolitan county encompassing police, fire, EMS services and 911 Dispatch for 13 municipalities, all sheriff’s departments and Homeland Security/Emergency Management, to be part of a shared regional public safety and public service radio communications system, and develop subsystem elements on deadline to take advantage of federal grants as follows:

  • The initial configuration of the radio system fleetmap
  • Instructions for subscriber unit programming including subscriber unit features, button programming, and radio templates/talk group plans
  • Radio purchase plan
  • Countywide interoperability talk groups
  • First draft of the subsystem protocols
  • Produce five structural model options for county PSAP operations including various consolidation options
  • Develop governance charters for system oversight

Project Focus

Facilitate the education and involvement of public service and public safety radio users regarding the new radio system and radios, the assessment of needs, the design of the initial radio and fleetmap configuration, the identification of the steps required for a successful migration to the new system, the timing, the training and administrative requirements, and the development of protocols and procedures.

Key Changes and Operational Benefits

  • Developed the detailed project work plan that encompassed all aspects of the project
  • Developed team/work group charters with roles, responsibilities, deliverables and timelines for 10 teams/work groups
  • Acquired training plans and materials from other municipalities who have implemented similar systems to be used as models
  • Established countywide policies, procedures, standards and protocols for communicating on the radio system that comply with those established at the regional level
  • Facilitated the PSAP/dispatch work group to produce five structural model options for county PSAP operations
  • Managed the project coordination meeting process including development of agendas, recording and distribution of decisions and next steps, and ensured awareness of other team activities by bringing their issues and concerns to the project coordination team
  • Developed a communication plan and calendar of all meetings of all project related groups and teams

“Alliant is like hiring a staff member who understands the company's priorities and delivers results in the time asked for. They understand the full scope of the work before dollars are committed and meet the expectations asked for.”

Director, Advertising Operations - Major Metro Newspaper

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