Alliant Consulting Aligning people, processes and metrics to meet your business goals.

ESTABLISH A FIELD SUPPORT SERVICES ORGANIZATION; design and implement a standardized operating model to improve efficiency and effectiveness of field services dispatch and the monitoring and coordination of responses to HFC plant failures across a 2M + subscriber region encompassing two major metro markets and surrounding areas

Project Focus

  • Lead and supported internal teams to design and implement consistent performance standards and operating models across six dispatch centers
  • Virtually consolidated six dispatch centers
  • Decommissioned divisional EMC and implemented regional EMC to monitor and respond to HFC plant failures in support of newly consolidated divisions with significant cultural, technological and operational differences
  • Strengthened vigilance and responsiveness related to the HFC infrastructure and outages
  • Established a new level of leadership across the region, responsible for integrating cultures, identifying best practices, and developing new operating models as well as the resources and skill sets that support them

Operating Benefits

Division A Dispatch

  • 26% Reduction in Calls Offered
  • 38% Improvement in Service Level
  • 74% Reduction in Abandon Calls

Division B Dispatch: (at 50% model compliance)

  • 7% Reduction in Calls Offered
  • 23% Improvement in Service Level
  • 71% Reduction in Abandon Calls

EMC: (with volumes 30% > than forecast)

  • 92% Service Levels maintained post implementation (60 day average)
  • 3.9% Abandonment rate post implementation (60 day average)
  • 36% of all Unified alerts are triaged and validated within 10 minutes of receipt (60 day average)


  • 21% staffing efficiency improvement

Key Changes

  • Quota management streamlined and standardized in all sites for 25%+ same-day availability
  • Proactive routing by window and QC standardized in all sites matching best and closest skilled Technicians to Customer needs in real time
  • All jobs reconciled daily as complete, cancel, reschedule, not done
  • Implemented standard communications and quality monitoring with feedback for all Managers, Supervisors and Leads for improved communication, credibility and accountability internally and externally.  Additional impacts observed are overall improved employee morale, service and productivity
  • Virtual phone queue implemented to align all sites, leveraging staffing efficiency, aligning Dispatch processes and delivering stronger service levels
  • Proactive communication initiated by Dispatch to Tech Ops for updates and problem resolution
  • Distinct EMC roles were implemented, separating work for more visibility and efficiency in handling events and proactively monitoring various tracking and billing systems for all of region 24/7, plus for satellite region overnight and Sundays
  • EMC Change and Demand maintenance, Event management protocols and ownership of standards in place
  • Key Indicator Reporting in Place
  • Management development training workshop and on floor coaching during implementation provided the Managers and Supervisors with tools to successfully implement and perpetuate the changes and behaviors necessary to reach and sustain the performance standards and operating models

“I’m a better manager today than I’ve ever been. Didn’t know what it was before Alliant came in. I’ve been promoted twice since then from supervisor to sales manager - 2 years.”

Audience Development Sales Manager - Metro Newspaper

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