Alliant Consulting Aligning people, processes and metrics to meet your business goals.

REDESIGN RETAIL ADVERTISING SALES incentive programs, goal setting, communications, territory alignment, inbound sales/contact functions, improve service, quality and productivity

Project Focus

  • Redesign Retail Advertising sales incentive programs, goal setting, communications, and territory alignment
  • Redesign Classified Advertising incentives, goal setting, communications, and inbound sales/contact operations
  • Consolidate Classified and Circulation Call Centers to improve service, quality and productivity

Client Gains: Financial and Operating Benefits

Retail Advertising

  • 3.15% Increase in sales
  • 23.8% Reduction in incentives cost
  • 54%, 27% & 31% increases in accounts per Rep for National, Major, & Territory groups
  • Savings of $536,000 identified

Classified Advertising

  • 7% Increase in average revenue *
  • 32% Increase in average revenue per ad
  • 67% Reduction in abandonment
  • 76% Reduction in “after call work” time
  • 16% Increase over plan in inbound classified advertising calls per hour worked

* results achieved with 13% less staff (attrition unrelated to recommendations)

Circulation/Classified Call Center Consolidation

  • 21% reduction in staff
  • 13% increase in ad revenue
  • 11% increase in circulation
  • Savings of $681,095 identified

Key Changes that Supported Client Goals

  • Established & implemented new standards of performance
  • Updated workflows, functions, activities, procedures and practices
  • Designed new staffing & scheduling levels for management & staff with hours of operations set to meet service, quality & performance standards
  • Implemented daily performance management through a structured management reporting and communication system which included Key Indicator Reports and Daily Quick Huddles, trained staff & management on how to interpret and manage with the reports
  • Developed, coached & trained management & staff on appropriate roles & responsibilities that included defined routine days

Retail Advertising

  • Developed an incentive program balanced to performance and financial expectations
  • Re-aligned territories to balance account management and facilitate revenue growth

Classified Advertising

  • Designed and implemented category outbound sales groups
  • Physically and functionally consolidated inbound category contact groups into a single integrated contact center
  • Developed phone system requirements including ACD & IVR systems, and reporting and technical capabilities

Circulation/Classified Call Center Consolidation

  • Physically and functionally consolidated category contact groups into a single integrated contact center
  • Developed phone system requirements including ACD & IVR systems, and reporting and technical capabilities
  • Designed a comprehensive/integrated skill training program to facilitate call center consolidation
  • Negotiated with contractor for an “On-call pool” to cover absences and vacations
  • Designed integrated, tiered job responsibilities to support consolidation
  • Designed an integrated salary and incentive structure

“Want to pass along some comments I have gotten from several users regarding the 800 Mhz meeting yesterday. I've heard folks indicate that it was the most "informative" and "productive" meeting on this subject that they've ever attended. I too thought that it was well organized and presented in an easy to understand manner for the average user. Thanks!”

Radio Operations and Committee Member - 911-Dispatch, Metro County

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