IMPROVE RATE CARD COMPLIANCE in the advertising department; ensure consistent and accurate rating and billing practices; and increase both revenues and customer satisfaction
Project Focus
Daily Metro Newspaper Ad Sales, Sales Management, Finance / Billing, and Programming
Enhance advertising revenue per line sold through better control of rates and discounts
Develop new rate-request process to ensure approval, programming and notification of new rates to affected departments prior to offering rates to customers
Identify uses of non-rate card and non-programmed rates to eliminate use of open-rating categories, and identify staff training and rate programming needs
Decrease revenue misallocations
Client Gains: Financial and Operating Benefits
60% reduction in use of unapproved rates
Increased revenues due to elimination of unauthorized special rating
Identified and added all non-programmed rates to the system, eliminating the need for open and flat rating
Achieved 100% approval of rates by finance and programming prior to offering to customers
Key Changes that Supported Client Goals
Developed six-session program and trained 52 advertising staff and management in current rate structures, ad order requirements, and new authorization processes
Implemented new rate authorization process to ensure profitability and programmability of rates prior to approval and customer offering
Developed standards and process for timely turnaround of all authorizations
Defined and implemented policies to deter the use of non-rate card and non-authorized rates
Implemented daily “rate exception” reporting process to identify use of unauthorized rates by advertising staff
“I feel so lucky to have been mentored by Alliant. I learned so much and have not been exposed to that much learning at a single time in years. It was a great education and I am very thankful that I had that opportunity.”
Classified Call Center Manager - Major Metro Newspaper
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