Alliant Consulting Aligning people, processes and metrics to meet your business goals.

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT A VIABLE QUICK HIT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM that would generate an immediate performance lift in the collectable accounts receivable area and provide the foundation for continuous improvement.  An additional criterion was to deliver this program in less than five calendar weeks

Project Focus

Evaluated and improved processes, workflows, procedures and tools that ensured accurate document procurement and revenue qualification that generated a reduction in current and future accounts receivable.

Operating Benefits

Implementation of the quick hit program provided the following results:

  • In excess of $1 million going to the bottom line
  • Streamlined and improved Document Procurement (DP) department workflows
  • Metrics, procedures, policies and a management approach for effective management of day-to-day functions and special projects
  • A staffing and scheduling methodology with redesigned workload and staffing distribution in DP to ensure new and renewal work gets completed daily with no backlog
  • Improved coordination and communications between the various departments as they work together to procure the appropriate documents that translate to billable services

Key Changes and Benefits

  • Developed and implemented 15 Medicare Regional Medical Review Policies paired with 15 Quick Reference Guides for the most frequently used equipment
  • Developed and implemented 16 new prescription forms and CMN cover letters and a process to automate them through the billing system
  • Developed and implemented new standards of performance and metrics to measure and report attainments
  • Developed and implemented a quality assurance checklist with 70 QA points along with an error notification form (ENF) and process for training resources that make repeated errors
  • Redefined management and staff roles and responsibilities related to generating qualified and billable revenue
  • Trained and implemented standards of performance, work flows, tools and roles/responsibilities in Document Procurement



“Alliant is like hiring a staff member who understands the company's priorities and delivers results in the time asked for. They understand the full scope of the work before dollars are committed and meet the expectations asked for.”

Director, Advertising Operations - Major Metro Newspaper

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