Alliant Consulting Aligning people, processes and metrics to meet your business goals.

IMPROVE NEW PRODUCT INTRODUCTION PROCESS; Improve and accelerate the introduction process for all new and reformulated products from the idea stage to full commercialization while maintaining or improving quality, service and safety

Project Focus

  • Manufacturer’s New Product Development Processes affecting Marketing, Sales, Research, Environmental Health & Safety, Procurement, Manufacturing, Human Resources, Information Services, and Finance
  • Assess and redesign process flows, controls, communications, and project management systems across all departments involved in new production introductions

Client Gains: Financial and Operating Benefits

  • Streamlined process flow for 60-80% of new products
  • Reduced process steps by 20% for a key product group
  • 60% reduction in chemistry changes flow
  • 95% reduction in non-chemistry changes flow
  • Reduced paperwork processing time for new chemistry by 5-10% and by 20% for chemistry adjustments

Key Changes That Supported Client Goals

  • Five new product classifications and new streamlined product introduction process flows for each
  • Developed plan for implementing new product process flows and for changes in approval processes, including additional reporting or data requirements for eliminating authorization steps
  • Trained 25 employees to manage implementation of the redesigned product introduction process, and 23 to manage implementation of empowerment recommendations

“… Alliant was the only organization I worked with that took the time to understand our organization, knew how to bring value without spending a fortune, and delivered more than pricey white paper – they stayed to implement their concepts. However, the most important feature of Alliant’s work is in the measured performances they deliver. Visualize being on the client’s premises, implementing the idea you just sold them as “the solution” and having the faith that the measurements achieved will deliver the results you just promised.”

Advertising Sales & Operations Executive - News Media Ad Sales

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