Alliant Consulting Aligning people, processes and metrics to meet your business goals.

IDENTIFY AND REALIZE OPPORTUNITIES TO IMPROVE decision making and reduce bureaucracy throughout the organization while maintaining or improving quality, safety and security.  Results: better and more efficient decision making, more productive deployment of resources

Project Focus

Work with executive management to develop and implement a logical and efficient process for soliciting, evaluating and implementing requests for changes in approval policies and/or practices within and across departmental boundaries

Key Benefits

  • 60 management and staff at various levels contributed 260 recommendations for decision-making changes
  • The individual change requests were organized, consolidated and prioritized into 140 different decision-making issues
  • Review for possible changes to current policies and procedures was recommended for approximately 30% of the 140 issues

Key Changes and Operational Benefits

  • Developed a database and summarized and prioritized all of the change requests submitted to the officers and managers (260 total)
  • Developed an evaluation process that is efficient and safeguards important safety, quality, financial and security controls
  • Developed action plans for the implementation of changes in the approval processes identified including any additional reporting or data requirements for elimination of authorization steps
  • Created “Change Agent” role and developed responsibilities and protocol for deployment in this and other performance improvement initiatives, and trained 23 Change Agents to manage the implementation of empowerment recommendations

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