Alliant Consulting Aligning people, processes and metrics to meet your business goals.

AN ORGANIZATION MAINTAINING 2,000+ LANE-MILES OF ROAD, ROADWAYS AND BRIDGES, wishes to increase collaboration between unionized staff and supervision, and develop a culture of mutual respect and continuous performance improvement.  Work is highly visible, requires flexible scheduling, resource coordination, quick response to safety hazards, collaboration with multiple agencies and 40+ municipalities.  Skills range from general labor to specialized equipment operation.

Lead assessment, design and implementation team comprised of Division labor, management and internal partners through seven-month transformation from a top-down and reactive culture, to one that is inclusive and proactive.

Operating & Financial Opportunities Realized

  • No issues reported to HR  since implementation began (4 months) Disciplinary activity and grievances previously reported as 18% of supervisor’s time
  • Increased planning and proactive communication by management
  • Staff ideas for improvement are vetted by peers  Facilitated forum where operational issues and ideas are researched and collaboratively resolved
  • Recovered 10% work time lost due to slow shift start up, unclear communication
  • Communication and morale significantly improved at all levels:
  • Foremen report “90% reduction in stress-level during morning start-up”
  • Consistent direction, better understanding about assignments and roles
  • Setting the next day’s line-up early each day to allow better preparation
  • Fewer changes to work throughout the day

Key elements of the work included

  • Define roles for supervisors, foremen, lead workers, dispatchers – facilitated delineation of roles and established expectations that empowered foremen to manage near term objectives and refocus supervisors toward longer-term tactics
  • Review current processes and practices and identify changes to improve daily/weekly workflow, scheduling and routines – added team communication and coordination meetings, in-field check-ins, real-time work completion visibility and next day’s assignment communication
  • Implement work order system with 100% documented of work orders – to accurately track and quantify workload and priorities
  • Establish standard operating procedures – >80% of staff participated in documenting standard operating procedures for >90% of work tasks/types
  • Design and deliver management skills development program tailored to support culture and process changes – workshops and individual coaching
  • Design and implement a training and on-boarding program, “train-the-trainer”; management directed, peer delivered, prioritized on skills inventory and project plans
  • Redesign Dispatch operation- develop new operating model including mission, functions, standards, key processes
  • Establish multi-level team to review and address process improvement ideas submitted by staff

“… Alliant was the only organization I worked with that took the time to understand our organization, knew how to bring value without spending a fortune, and delivered more than pricey white paper – they stayed to implement their concepts. However, the most important feature of Alliant’s work is in the measured performances they deliver. Visualize being on the client’s premises, implementing the idea you just sold them as “the solution” and having the faith that the measurements achieved will deliver the results you just promised.”

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