Alliant Consulting Aligning people, processes and metrics to meet your business goals.

TRANSFORM THE INFORMATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT – after a decade of rapid product, employee and revenue growth – from an autonomous, reactive service group to a highly integrated, efficient, proactive, world-class Information Services team

Project Focus

  • Manufacturing Firm Information Services Group
  • Evaluate and compare existing levels of internal customer service against global benchmarks and customer expectations
  • Examine process workflows, controls, communications, staffing and scheduling models, and project management systems that influence internal service relationships
  • Develop high-performance operational model, new standards of performance, and supporting systems, technology, procedures, and communications

Client Gains: Financial and Operating Benefits

  • Increased IS department productivity by more than 25%
  • New centralized “Projects Administration and Client Services” (PACS) database and tools to track and report all IS projects, including forecasted completion dates, costs, and benefits.
  • Converted 40 current and 46 backlogged projects to new system
  • 11 managers and team leaders trained in new processes, procedures and tools through eight training sessions

Key Changes that Supported Client Goals

  • Established department mission statement and purpose
  • Conducted customized industry benchmark analysis to drive design and implementation of 44 IS best practices with standards of performance for each
  • Designed and implemented a methodology for all projects and job processing, including project/job documentation tools, product development life cycle, and centralized information database
  • Implemented a new organization structure with defined roles and responsibilities, integrated with internal management incentives program
  • Developed and implemented a system for monitoring, measuring and reporting on performance standards
  • Designed and implemented a “train the trainer” program

“I had the opportunity to work with Alliant on a project to improve process flow and enhance revenue. We had remarkable progress in a timely, effective and individualized program. It was a very impressive collaboration both from an organizational and business outcomes perspective. I would highly recommend Alliant.”

Director HR - Metro Newspaper

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