Alliant Consulting Aligning people, processes and metrics to meet your business goals.

METRO/OUTSTATE NONPROFIT WITH ~220 EMPLOYEES providing career, social enrichment, transportation and fiscal management (FME) services to ~3,000 developmentally disabled clients and their families.  Organization wishes to establish a contact center and evaluate and realize other structural and operational opportunities to improve client service delivery and organizational flexibility in anticipation of major legislative reforms.

Project spanned a 10-month period utilizing 11 cross-functional workgroups consisting of 62 client employees.  Operating models were designed over a five-week period and a six-person project team supported the enterprise functional realignment. Key focus areas for the project:

  • Improve call handling near term and be ready to grow, while preserving high touch, person-centered interaction, optimal service and best use of resources
  • Identify the “future state” of cross-functional intake, service support and delivery functions to improve customer service, quality, productivity, and revenue generation as they grow
  • Redesign organization structure with functions defined, realigning Customized Support functions and HR administrative support to the “Services” organization, and client budget activities to Accounting
  • Improve role  clarity and consistency across all functional areas through defined standards of performance, work processes, roles and responsibilities focused on service, quality and productivity
  • Establish cross-functional / cross-departmental communication structure to facilitate collaboration and cooperation throughout the organization
  • Develop Change Plan and  Implement new Intake and Service Support model that establishes a client navigation team (needs  assessment/services planning), an inbound/ outbound call center, administrative generalists and receptionist to support enterprise-wide service delivery
  •  Retrain staff and management in conjunction with performance management, coaching and communication skill enhancement program
  • Design and implement integrated enterprise–wide key indicator reporting aligned to “Balanced Scorecard” and financial budgets; enabling consistent performance review and management for all levels, from frontline staff to executives

Operating & Financial Opportunities Realized

  • 26.3% increase in billable time without increasing headcount
  • 87% reduction in abandon calls (from 40% to 5%) by implementation of a Call Center – that will result in increased Client Service Excellence
  • 56% reduction in cost per call (from $12.71 to $5.54) through re-alignment of roles, responsibilities and job descriptions
  • 70% of Workflow issues eliminated (from 386 to 116) through re-alignment of functional accountabilities and departmental responsibilities
  • 65% Development of individual client classes (748 out of 1150) clients have schedules based on their preferences and goals
  • 90% (32 out of 36) of all Managers/Supervisors functioning in their updated roles and responsibilities
  • New contact center consistently exceeding a 90% Service Level with decreased staffing levels and increasing volumes
  • Projected a reduction in headcount of 4 FTE’s (to be attained through attrition) and hiring to be focused on part time staff versus full time to improve flexibility and reduce costs
  • Implemented a Comprehensive Management Reporting System, consisting of Key Indicator Reports, aligned to the Balanced Scorecard and financial budgets; enabling consistent performance management monitoring from a staff to executive levels

Alliant really did a great job helping us stand up our department. As I read through this transition report it struck me how much we accomplished in a relatively short time. We’ve got a lot left to do, but you really got us on the right track.

Director, Enterprise Software Development - National Cable Communications Company

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