Alliant Consulting Aligning people, processes and metrics to meet your business goals.

ASSESS THE FEASIBILITY and performance impacts of consolidating customer service call center operations, design and support an implementation plan for the consolidation of three centers into one location as a consolidation pilot

Project Focus

Assess workflows, functions, activities, policies, procedures, and practices of the three call centers intaking new patients and orders to identify opportunities and barriers to consolidation.  Conduct an in-depth analysis of the phone performance statistics, call volume patterns and overall workload to gather needed data.  A new customer service model and an integrated implementation plan with cost and benefit projections were developed and implemented, with Alliant guiding a client-staffed team of implementers and local management through the consolidation, the following results were achieved.

Operating Benefits

  • 88% Improvement in service level
  • 92% Improvement in abandon rate
  • 86% Improvement in average speed to answer
  • 74% Improvement in total open work orders
  • 88% Improvement in average age of backlog
  • 77% Improvement in total revenue dollars
  • 97% Improvement in revenue dollars over 96 hours
  • Improved insurance verification process resulting in a reduction in days sales outstanding (DSO)
  • 20% reduction in labor costs when new model is complete

Key Changes and Benefits

  • Designed and implemented a centralized customer service model that facilitates teamwork, employee development, is based on standards of performance/benchmarks and provides a premier level of service and quality to the customer
  • Realigned supervisor functional responsibilities to support the phone and non-phone work environment
  • Implemented roles, responsibilities and routine days for all managers, supervisors and staff
  • Designed and implemented a staffing and scheduling methodology utilized to forecast and plan the CSR’s required to achieve premier customer service
  • Implemented skills-based routing that provides the customer with the best qualified CSR to meet their needs
  • Developed, trained and implemented the Contact Center Call Analyst position to manage the ACD system, routing, staffing, scheduling, planning and statistical reporting
  • Implemented streamlined work processes, procedures and practices that eliminated redundancies, workarounds and increased capacity
  • Implemented process redesign in Logistics that reduced customer call transfers and wait times
  • Implemented a backlog reduction plan/process that enables the supervisor to coordinate, assign and balance the workload within the department
  • Implemented an effective communication structure focused on status to department goals, operational improvement and profitability

“…looking forward to working with Alliant again!! The NOC has really taken the Model ACI helped us to develop to the next level and are truly owning the process and making continual improvements along the way… Good to see the company has made the commitment to continually improve!! Really Excited!!”

Quality Assurance & Training Supervisor - A Large Cable / Telcom Firm

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