Alliant Consulting Aligning people, processes and metrics to meet your business goals.

ESTABLISH A CUSTOMER-FOCUSED ENVIRONMENT and dramatically improve service performance in a company where the merger of former competitors had resulted in internal conflict and dysfunction

Project Focus

Provide a full organizational assessment, redesign and implementation of operational models that provide a vehicle for achieving “world class” customer service within an 18-month window.  This work encompassed the customer service, field service and installation, construction, sales and collections areas for cable and HSD products.

Financial and Operating Benefits

The following results are measured as of project completion. The organization is on track to meet newly established “world class standards” well ahead of the 18-month deadline.

  • 30% increase in customer close ratio
  • Collected a record amount of accounts aged beyond 60 days
  • 13.5% increase in average dollars collected per call
  • 26% reduction in abandoned calls
  • 43% improvement in calls answered in less than 30 seconds
  • 95% compliance on “same day” hard check-in of installation work orders
  • Reduced customer service and installation windows from 4 hours to 2 hours
  • Saving over $1000 per week by reducing unnecessary “truck rolls”

Key Changes and Benefits

Alliant Consulting trained and guided client-staffed design and implementation teams in developing and implementing the following key changes in order to achieve the goals and performance noted above:

  • Implemented 100% verification of direct sales and real-time scheduling, eliminating callbacks and errors
  • Designed and implemented quality assurance programs in every impacted area including quality assurance checks for 100% of work orders
  • Designed a new error notification and elimination process
  • Redesigned territories to promote teamwork and first contact resolution
  • Redesigned the Technical Operations scheduling system allowing the technician time to complete the work assigned regardless of problems encountered, providing first contact resolution for every customer
  • Expanded service and installation scheduling hours by 67%
  • Designed and implemented key indicator reporting which provides the information necessary to proactively manage business performance and monitor business trends
  • Provided group and individualized training and coaching for supervisors and managers
  • Implemented regular inter and intra-departmental operational review meetings at all levels focused on identifying and addressing operational barriers and opportunities to improve service, quality and productivity

“Want to pass along some comments I have gotten from several users regarding the 800 Mhz meeting yesterday. I've heard folks indicate that it was the most "informative" and "productive" meeting on this subject that they've ever attended. I too thought that it was well organized and presented in an easy to understand manner for the average user. Thanks!”

Radio Operations and Committee Member - 911-Dispatch, Metro County

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